I was able to travel to Colorado Springs last week to spend five days with my son, Joshua, his wife, Amy and my three beautiful grandchildren; Paul, Peter and Stella. I had the most wonderful time playing, relaxing and just loving being with them. I thank the Lord for the visit and for the wonderful time which I had.
We went to the Zoo to feed the giraffs and see many other wild animals. The tigers did not look to wild, they were cuddling with each other. I guess everyone need love every day, even tigers.
We also went to the Airforce Academy to watch skydivers. That was exciting for me since I will never jump out of a perfectly good plane, but my son Daniel does that on a regular basis. WOW Scarry.
We also went to visit the Focus on the Family grounds. That was a fun day watching my grandsons play on the playground there.
On July 29th we stayed home to rest and just be a family. I really loved that since it was on that day that my brother Dennis died last year. I was so rewarding being with family on that day. Thank you Joshua and Amy. We did have fun though with the tractor and blowing bubbles.
What a great time I had, I only wish they lived closer, but it sure is nice in Colorado Springs. They picked a wonderful place to raise their children. I think I will enjoy visiting on a regular basis.
The grandchildren are so sweet and little Stella is the cuddliest little angel. I really got my cup full of love. Thanks you.
Marie, Bob and Marlene took care of the Cell Phone Repair shop for the week so Joshua could take the week off. Thanks you guys. I really appreciate the time with my son.
OH and thank you Amy for teaching me more about blogging. I think I am getting the hang of this thing now.
Love you guys.